
   Temporal variations in the copepod community structure during the sand lance fishery season near the Akashi Strait, eastern Seto Inland Sea(水産関係)

    Tetsuya Nishikawa,*, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Kazushi Furusawa Kazuaki Tadokoro.

    Plankton Benthos Res 19(2): 67–76, 2024



  Behavioral study of black sea bream Acanthopagrus schlegelii by acoustic telemetry to guide countermeasures against feeding damage to cultivated nori Neopyropia yezoensis off Kobe, Hyogo, Japan(水産関係)

     Ryota Takakura, Keisuke Tanida, Aya Inazaki, Yasushi Mitsunaga. Fisheries Science (2023)89: 85-799



  水田泰徳・堀本宗清・織邊 太・荒木 斉・松本和浩 園芸学研究 2023年 22巻 2号 125-132頁



Seasonal copepod dynamics and biomass in Harima‑Nada, eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan(水産関係)

  Tetsuya Nishikawa, Tsuyoshi Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Shiotani, Syusaku Izumi, Kazushi Furusawa, Kazuaki Tadokoro. Fisheries Science (2023) 89: 343-356




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Heartwood formation progresses basipetally over years or decades in each conically shaped annual growth layer of Cryptomeria japonica stems(森林林業関係)

 Satoshi Nagai, Kenichi Yazaki, Yasuhiro Utsumi. Trees 36: 1853–1863 (2022)


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Seasonal and annual dynamics of phytoplankton off Tajima, southwestern Sea of Japan(水産関係)
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Annual variation in condition factor of sand lance Ammodytes japonicus during the estivation period in Harima-Nada, eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan.(水産関係)
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